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Oświadczam, że zapoznałem się z Polityką Prywatności i Regulaminem oraz akceptuję ich treść.*

* pola obowiązkowe

Informacja: Administratorem danych osobowych jest „Kancelaria Adwokacka Adwokat Piotr Charzewski”  NIP: 8191619794, adres: ul. Kopisto 11/7, 35-315 Rzeszów. Dane są przetwarzane celem udzielenia odpowiedzi na pytania zawarte w  formularzu kontaktowym. Udostępnienie danych jest dobrowolne i mogą być przekazane wyłącznie do podmiotów świadczących na rzecz Administratora usługi wsparcia, (księgowe, kadrowe, IT). Można się sprzeciwić przetwarzaniu danych, żądać dostępu do nich, sprostowania, usunięcia, ograniczenia przetwarzania oraz przeniesienia. Można też wnieść skargę do Prezesa Urzędu Ochrony Danych Osobowych. Dane będą przechowywane przez okres 15 lat od daty wykonania lub zaprzestania wykonywania umowy.

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Commercial partnerships are the basic type of conducting business operations. It is not a secret that functioning within a partnership leads to many advantages; as an example in a limited liability company an entrepreneur can minimize the risks linked with economic operations and protect his/her personal  property.

We provide our Clients with support in operations aimed at establishing commercial enterprises, such as general partnership, limited liability partnership, limited partnership, limited joint-stock partnership, limited liability company, joint-stock company – the related services most importantly include drawing up articles of association or company statute, where, depending on the Client’s preferences, we introduce adequate mechanisms securing their interests; we also prepare all documents required in the registration process. RESLEGAL cooperates with a Notary’s Office, as a result of which we can deal with most of the formalities quickly and efficiently.

Because of our large experience in handling such matters we are able to avoid mistakes commonly made during the process of establishing partnerships; as a result significantly less time is needed for entering the new entity into the National Court Register.

Moreover, RESLEGAL provides support in the process of establishing foundations and associations, as well as legal services to entities of this type.

Transformations, or, briefly speaking, the process of changing the entity’s legal organizational structure, e.g. from sole proprietorship into a limited liability company – this is another key area of services on offer from the Law Firm. In this case we recommend solutions tailored to the Client’s needs, we draw up necessary documents and monitor the whole process. Importantly, we provide legal support in this respect to all kinds of business entities wishing to transform into any organizational structures and configurations.