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Oświadczam, że zapoznałem się z Polityką Prywatności i Regulaminem oraz akceptuję ich treść.*

* pola obowiązkowe

Informacja: Administratorem danych osobowych jest „Kancelaria Adwokacka Adwokat Piotr Charzewski”  NIP: 8191619794, adres: ul. Kopisto 11/7, 35-315 Rzeszów. Dane są przetwarzane celem udzielenia odpowiedzi na pytania zawarte w  formularzu kontaktowym. Udostępnienie danych jest dobrowolne i mogą być przekazane wyłącznie do podmiotów świadczących na rzecz Administratora usługi wsparcia, (księgowe, kadrowe, IT). Można się sprzeciwić przetwarzaniu danych, żądać dostępu do nich, sprostowania, usunięcia, ograniczenia przetwarzania oraz przeniesienia. Można też wnieść skargę do Prezesa Urzędu Ochrony Danych Osobowych. Dane będą przechowywane przez okres 15 lat od daty wykonania lub zaprzestania wykonywania umowy.

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A decision to use our support in the process of asserting claims for damages or remedy is fully justified. In the market there are numerous entities which may contact victims soon after their accidents and offer their services, yet the practice shows clearly that on many occasions they provide rather illusory support. Firstly, fees charged by such insurance claim agencies are extremely high; secondly, they frequently focus on obtaining the compensation as quickly as possible, and this unfortunately affects the amount. In practice, then, the compensation or remedy is significantly lower than would be achievable if the case was conducted properly. Therefore in a great number of cases support from a qualified lawyer, i.e. advocate or legal advisor, will result in significantly higher gains.

It is obvious that insurance companies or other relevant entities, as a rule aim at paying the lowest possible damages or compensation. Therefore it is important to make sure that the lawyer hired to conduct this type of case has the necessary expertise and experience. At RESLEGAL Law Firm Clients will obtain highly competent legal support which makes it possible to obtain very high compensation.

We provide services to:

  • victims of transport accidents – both in the case of health impairment and when loss results from damage to/destruction of a specific object, e.g. car,
  • family of the person who died as a result of accident,
  • victims of medical errors,
  • individuals entitled to claims under insurance policies,
  • entities suffering loss due to damage of property, e.g. as a result of fire or flood,
  • individuals who suffered loss due to occupational accidents, including accidents in farming establishments,
  • property owners, due to institution of transmission easement.

Thanks to our support our Clients can obtain compensation for their pain as well as physical and emotional suffering; they can be reimbursed for the costs of treatment, rehabilitation and services provided by third-person caregivers; they can acquire damages due to lost income. Finally, if their earning capacity has decreased they may seek compensatory benefits.