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Oświadczam, że zapoznałem się z Polityką Prywatności i Regulaminem oraz akceptuję ich treść.*

* pola obowiązkowe

Informacja: Administratorem danych osobowych jest „Kancelaria Adwokacka Adwokat Piotr Charzewski”  NIP: 8191619794, adres: ul. Kopisto 11/7, 35-315 Rzeszów. Dane są przetwarzane celem udzielenia odpowiedzi na pytania zawarte w  formularzu kontaktowym. Udostępnienie danych jest dobrowolne i mogą być przekazane wyłącznie do podmiotów świadczących na rzecz Administratora usługi wsparcia, (księgowe, kadrowe, IT). Można się sprzeciwić przetwarzaniu danych, żądać dostępu do nich, sprostowania, usunięcia, ograniczenia przetwarzania oraz przeniesienia. Można też wnieść skargę do Prezesa Urzędu Ochrony Danych Osobowych. Dane będą przechowywane przez okres 15 lat od daty wykonania lub zaprzestania wykonywania umowy.

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Cases classified in this category are connected with relationships between entrepreneurs under civil law, resulting from their economic operations.  We provide services related to all aspects of commercial law, in particular connected with the

  • following:
  • debt recovery,
  • unfair competition,
  • court proceedings,
  • negotiations,
  • drawing up and reviewing commercial agreements,
  • counsel in bankruptcy and restructuring proceedings.

Additionally, in order to meet the current requirements of the market, the Law Firm provides advisory services and comprehensive legal support for businesses related to their dealings with customers and contracting parties, including foreign customers.

Our lawyers’ practice of advisory services shows that terms and conditions of contracts concluded  by Polish entrepreneurs with foreign companies frequently put the former at a significant disadvantage. Due to this we believe that a transparent and coherent agreement with a foreign customer is a key to success and increased expansion.

An entrepreneur aiming for foreign markets is faced with many challenges. Besides any economy related issues, company employees must get to know their new customers – their habits and system of values. Yet, this is not easy if we encounter cultural differences, as well as language and legal barriers.

To cater for such needs, we prepare legal opinions, agreements with foreign entities, we perform reviews of tariff, tax, export and import legislation, as well as regulations pertaining to broadly understood foreign trade. We provide support in acquiring permits, concessions and decisions of national authorities. We conduct negotiations with foreign partners and perform market analyses, in order to adjust our Clients’ needs to the current requirements of Polish, Community and international laws. In this respect we cooperate with a group of certified translators.